
As part of our mandate TGHF has made a significant contribution to Vincentian society over the  years by the implementation of a Garifuna Heritage and Culture public awareness and education programme focusing particularly on young people.  In  2002 in collaboration with UNESCO ,  TGHF organized and implemented a Regional conference on Indigenous Craft and Culture which drew participants from Guyana, Dominica, Belize and St. Vincent and the Grenadines

In 2008 The Garifuna Heritage Foundation took the decision to include a greater international component into our work, namely by promoting greater involvement of the Garifuna diaspora who view St. Vincent and the Grenadines as the Ancestral Homeland.  As a major  part of this process we intend to strengthen the linkages with  Garifuna in the diaspora.  We will therefore be promoting programmes  which directly involve the participation  of persons from the  Diaspora, either as trainers or as learners.  Notwithstanding,   we will continue to target the cultural and educational development of persons in St. Vincent and the Grenadines with a special emphasis on the youth .

TGHF now implements the following four Programmes:





Funds to underwrite these programs will come from charitable contributions, foundations and individuals interested in helping Garifuna people and other indigenous people retain their heritage and culture and support research for humanitarian reasons and conservation. We also intend to use some of our programmatic activities to generate income in order to become more self-sustainable in the medium to long term.

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